Town of Sherman Annual Calendar

Town of Sherman Annual Calendar



Set salaries for year.

Appoint Town Clerk, Treasurer, Paper and City Attorney.

Rental of table and chairs, and fire hall. Table and chairs can be rented for $10 and the fire hall can be rented for $20. Rezoning applications cost $50.00, ten dollars for application and twenty dollars for each add. 

Publish board vacancies two consecutive weeks Jan 15 – 30.

Earliest date to begin petition circulation and earliest date to file nominating petition is 4th Friday in January.



Set date for Board of Equalization meeting for 3rd week in March.

Deadline for filing nominating petitions is 4th Friday in February at 5 PM.



Town Clerk presents Annual Report at regular meeting.

Publish Annual Report and send to State after publication.

Publish two consecutive weekly voter registration notices (if election is to be held).

Pick up Property Assessment Role from Minnehaha County Department of Equalization.

Publish notice of Board of Equalization meeting for two consecutive weeks prior to meeting date.

Hold Board of Equalization meeting.

Return Property Assessment Role to Minnehaha County Department of Equalization by Monday following the meeting.



Set date for Town clean up.  Mail flyer to City of Sioux Falls.

Hold election (if required) second Tuesday in April.




Swear in new Trustees.

Appoint Board President.

Set date for Special Hearing – Bullet Malt Beverage License.



Special Hearing – Bullet Malt Beverage License.



Town Clerk presents revenue and expenditures for July – June.

Receive survey from SDPAA.



Town Clerk presents proposed budget ordinance draft.

First reading of the annual appropriation ordinance.

   Pay SDPAA.

Receive Workers Comp survey.



Second reading of the annual appropriation ordinance, adoption of budget.

   Set mill levy.

Report budget and mill levy to county auditor prior to October 1.



Publish budget.



Set date for Special Hearing – Bullet Alcoholic Beverage License.



Pay Workers Comp.

One-year CD renews in January.

Special Hearing – Bullet Alcoholic Beverage License.



Rev. 9/2/014