September 1,
The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday September1, 2020 @ 7:30pm.
Members Present: Lee Ellis, Darrin Trower, Gerry Karpen and Cheryl Swenson.
Others Present: Linda Askren, Trevor Grohs
Ellis called the meeting to order.
Routine Business:
Approval of the agenda- motion by Karpen to approval the agenda, 2nd by Trower—all ayes, motion carried.
Minutes of the August 4, 2020 meeting were read—Karpen made a motion to approve the minutes as read, 2nd by Trower—all ayes, motion carried.
The Treasurers report was read—Karpen made a motion to approve the Treasurers report as read, 2nd by Trower—all ayes, motion carried
Claims Approved to be paid:
Minnehaha Community Water $30.00 water, Xcel Energy $278.09 street lights, $28.00 park lights, $32.25 town hall lights, Garretson Gazette $20.99 July minutes, Lee Ellis $96.00 8hrs tree pile, Bill Benson $120.00 3x mowing, Darrin Trower $40.00 1x mowing Strom Park $30.00 1x mowing city lot.
Old Business:
1. Town clean-up day—Town clean up days is set to start on Sept 11, 2020
2. Town Hall Eaves- eaves just need to be put up
3. Ordinance for tree pile—e-mail has been sent to Hammer
4. Eaves material—need to haul to metal pile
5. Street gutters—workers can work on them when they can, just contact a board member.
New Business:
1. 2nd reading of the appropriation ordinance, adoption of budget—Karpen made a motion to accept and adopt Ordinance #2020-2, 2nd by Trower—all ayes, motion carried.
2. Set mill levy—Gerry will e-mail county.
3. Snow removal- Karpen made a motion to kept same as last year with R&R on the weekdays and Lucas on weekends, 2nd by Trower—all ayes, motion carried.
4. Team Tayden—Grohs requested the street Zeliff be closed in front of the Bullet on Sept. 12, 2020 for the Team Tayden annual event, it would be closed from noon until 8pm, also requested was a noise permit for that day. Ellis made a motion to close street down from noon to 8pm and a noise permit for Sept 12, 2020, 2nd by Karpen—all ayes, motion carried.
5. Donation- Ellis made a motion to donate $50.00 to Team Tayden, 2nd by Karpen—all ayes, motion carried.
6. Property 110 Zeliff Ave—concrete needs to be moved from side walk. Ellis will talk to owners.
Ellis made a motion to adjourn meeting, 2nd by Karpen—all ayes, motion carried.
Next regular meeting will be October 6, 2020 @ 7:30pm.
Cheryl Swenson Town Clerk