The Sherman Town Council met as the Sherman Board of Adjustment on Tuesday, December 15,2020 at 7:30 p.m to hear an application for Variance and Conditional Use Permits.


Those present were Board Members: Lee Ellis, Darrin Trower, and Gerry Karpen. Others in attendance were:  Cheryl Swenson, Jesse Hewer and Kara Duncan.


Jesse Hewer wants to put up a pole building at 240 Zeliff Avenue. Legal description Lot 5-7 Block 2, Town of Sherman, Minnehaha County, South Dakota. The building will have 14’sides, 36’ wide, 54’ long and 5½ 12 pitch making it over 22’ in height. Current ordinance limit is 18’ in height.  The building will not be for commercial use.


Motion made by Lee Ellis to accept the application for Variance and Conditional Use Permits and seconded by Darrin Trower.  3 Yays and 0 Nays. Motion approved.


Dated this 15th day of December, 2020


Ellen Karpen

Acting Secretary