Dec. 11,
The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday Dec. 11,2018 @ 7:30pm.
Members present: Lee Ellis, Gerry Karpen, Darrin Trower and Cheryl Swenson.
Others present: Kristy Trower and Ellen Karpen.
Ellis called the meeting to order.
Routine Business:
Approval of the agenda: motion by Karpen, 2nd by Trower-3ayes.
Minutes of the Nov meeting were read and approved. Motion by Karpen, 2nd by Trower- 3 ayes.
Treasurers report was read and approved: motion by Karpen, 2nd by Trower- 3 ayes.
Claims approved to be paid:
Bill Benson $154.97 for hydraulic fluid and hoses, Minnehaha Community Water $30.00 for water, Jesse James $33.88 for 12.12 gals of gas, Van Dyke Sanitation $50.00 for garbage, Xcel Energy $263.84 street lights, $28.32 park lights, $34.96 town hall lights, Palisades Propane $125.33 for 85.90 gals of propane, Garretson Gazette $25.55 Oct minutes, $23.12 Nov minutes, $7.00 for Special Bullet license meeting, Robin Berg $41.66 for 1 month salary, Cheryl Swenson $250.00 treasurer salary, $208.34 clerk salary, Gerry Karpen $175.00 for 7 meetings, $100.00 zoning salary, Darrin Trower $150.00 for 6 meetings, Lee Ellis $150.00 for 6 meetings.
Old Business:
1. Planning Commission & Comprehensive Zoning plan- Swenson will get meetings set up.
New Business:
1. One-year CD renews in January—will roll over another year.
2. Work comp was paid last month.
Motion to adjourn by Karpen, 2nd by Trower—3ayes. Next regular meeting will be Jan. 8, 2019 @ 7:30pm.