August 7,
The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2018 @7:30pm.
Members Present: Gerry Karpen, Darren Trower, and Cheryl Swenson.
Absent: Lee Ellis
Others Present: Kristy Trower, Robin Berg, Sandee Sutton, Kara Duncan and Garrick Moritz.
Karpen called the meeting to order.
Routine Business:
Approval of the agenda: motion by Karpen, 2nd by Trower to accept agenda—2ayes
Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved as read—motion by Trower, 2nd by Karpen—2 ayes.
The Treasurers report was read and approved—motion by Trower, 2nd by Karpen—2 ayes.
Claims approved to be paid: VanDyke Sanitation $24.00 garbage, Minnehaha Community Water $30.00,
Dell Rapids Law Firm $860.00 legal fees, Lee Ellis $85.26 mower blades and parts, DBA Farms $450.00 2x spraying mosquitos, Xcel Energy $260.36 street lights, $27.86 park lights, $35.28 town hall lights, Bill Benson $120.00 3x mowing, GFC $177.21 food for picnic, Robin Berg $120.00 4x mowing, Garretson Gazette $38.94 June minutes, Darrin Trower $120.00 4x mowing Tiger Park and $160.00 4x mowing Strom Park.
Old Business:
1. List vacant property at 110 Zeliff Ave for sale with Bob Julson at Landmark Reality. Asking $10.000 but open to sealed bids. Need 90% of appraisal to sell. Motion by Trower to list property and 2nd by Karpen—2 ayes.
2. Planning commission appointees: Kevin Swenson and Bob Askren. Karpen will be the 3rd if they cant find anybody else. Karpen will get dates set up.
New Business:
1. 2019 Budget- first reading
2. Karpen proposed to pay Kallie Heinemann $250.00 for 18 months of data entry for the 2019 budget—Berg stated we had all the data and it was sent to the town email and to Karpen—but the town did not get the disk with the data on it back from Berg and the town computer did not have any data on it so all the data had to be reentered. Trower made a motion to pay Heinemann and Karpen 2nd—2 ayes.
3. The Sept 5, 2018 is being changed to Sept 12 due to the Treasurer and 1 board member being gone.
4. Schedule clean-up and work day for the parks is Sept 15, 2018 @ 1:00.
5. Taydens Ride wants to put vendors on either the vacant lot or Strom park on Sept 8, 2018. Nobody had a problem with it so was given the okay.
6. Need 2 loads of gravel- one on south side of Bullet and 1 in front of Joel Swensons.
7. Declare tanker fire truck surplus property and dispose of after culverts are clean one last time-intend to put in a dip next year where culvert is at. Motion by Trower to declare tanker fire truck surplus property, 2nd by Karpen—2 ayes
8. Robin Berg brought the municipal ordinances 1.0404 & 1.0405 and wanted them revisited. Discussion was held.
Motion to adjourn by Trower, 2nd by Karpen-2 ayes.
Next regular meeting Sept.12, 2018 @ 7:30pm
Acting Town Clerk Cheryl Swenson