May 5, 2015
The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, May 5, 2015, at 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall.
Members present: Lee Ellis, Gerry Karpen, Bill Benson, Cheryl Swenson and Robin Berg
Others present: Ellen Karpen
Approval of the Agenda: Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Ellis.
ROUTINE BUSINESS: Minutes of the April 7, 2015, meeting were approved as read, with price change on mowing bid from Jonah Swenson, it is $35.00, Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson.
The treasurer’s report was approved as read, Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson.
CLAIMS APPROVED TO BE PAID: Xcel Energy, street light $297.73; park light $19.30; town hall light $46.37; Minnehaha Community Water, April water $30.00; Bill Koch, 50 gals of Diesel $112.50; Bill Benson, 1x mowing $40.00; Robin Berg, 1 x mowing $30.00;
OLD BUSINESS: Water way, at Packard Ave. Ellis stated it needs to be finished. Discussed removal of the rock and put dirt back with grass seed.
Added to the Agenda; Karpen asked to get one more dumpster for town cleanup; the 1st dumpster was full by noon on Saturday. And the second was full the following Monday. Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson.
NEW BUSINESS: Added to the Agenda; Benson asked to put gravel on 2nd street, to fill in by the churches new side walk. Motion by; Karpen for 2 loads of gravel, to go on 2nd street, second by; Benson.
Bullet Malt Beverage License date set for June 2, 2015 at 8:00 p.m.
North Park; There was discussion on selling the property. A move to save money on mowing cost. We will have more discussion at next City meeting.
Bill Benson was Sworn in as Trustee.
Benson nominated Ellis for President, Karpen 2nd. Three ayes.
Motion by; Karpen to adjourn, second by Benson,
The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. Robin Berg Town Clerk