Sherman Town Board of Equalization Meeting, March 17, 2015

The Town of Sherman South Dakota convened as a Board of Equalization on March 17, 2015. Board member present were: Lee Ellis, Bill Benson and Gerry Karpen.  John Brinkman represented the Garretson School Broad. Lee Ellis called the meeting to order.

Actions taken by the board of the following equalization matter shown below:


Minnehaha County Parcel ID 24177

Legal description: Block 7 Lots 8, 9 and 10 Sherman South Dakota, 125 Summer Ave.

Owner: Brian and Robin Berg

A motion was made by: Ellis to change 73,515 to 66,500 second by: Benson.

Berg made a motion for a vote: four ayes: motion carried: assessed value to high to other Sherman properties.


Minnehaha County Parcel ID 24184

Legal description: Block 9 Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 Sherman South Dakota, 42 Packard Ave.

Owner: Brian Berg

A motion was made by: Ellis to change 93,811 to 56,000 second by: Benson.

Berg made a motion for a vote: four ayes: motion carried: assessed value far exceeds property value in Sherman.

Motion by Ellis; second by Karpen to adjourn as a Board of Equalization.

3/17/2015 Town Clerk; Robin Berg