August 5, 2014
The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, August 5, 2014, 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall with Lee Ellis presiding.
Members present: Lee Ellis, Gerry Karpen, Bill Benson, Cheryl Swenson and Robin Berg
Others present: Brian Berg
Approval of the Agenda: Motion by; Benson, Second by; Karpen
ROUTINE BUSINESS: Minutes of the July 1, 2014, meeting were approved as read, Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson.
Minutes of the Sherman Town Planning Commission July 1, 2014, meeting were approved as read, Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson.
The treasurer’s report was approved as read,. Motion by; Karpen, Second by; Benson.
CLAIMS APPROVED TO BE PAID: Xcel Energy, street light $252.34; park light $17.90; town hall light $32.09; Minnehaha Community Water, July water $25.00; Anderson Publications, June min. $19.67; notice of public hearing $25.62; Sioux Falls Two-way Radio, $292.24; Jesse James, 12.2 gal of gas $42.36, 12.2 gal of gas $41.45; Box of Checks, $56.45; City of Jasper, 2x mosquito spraying $100.00; Bill Benson, 3x mowing $120.00; Luke Bonte, 4x mowing $120.00; Joel Swenson, 4x mowing $140.00; Robin Berg, 4x mowing $120.00;
OLD BUSINESS: Sherman Zoning Hearing, There was more discussion on items in the new ordinance: 11.16 Inspection on Structure Moved into City, 2014 Official Zoning Map for the Town of Sherman.
First Reading of the Sherman Zoning Regulations 2014 Ordinance.
Tree removal over street way topic, was removed from agenda.
Berg submitted to the board the Proposed Budget.
First Reading, Town of Sherman 2015 Appropriation Ordinance #2014-1.
Safety Benefits Ins for the town; Repairs of the slide are needed and clean up of the inside of the Town Hall.
Motion by; Eills, Second by; Karpen; to spaying for mosquitoes as needed, Jasper will spray on Wednesday night as need at $50.00 each time.
Mowing, at this time will not be pursued.
East Side Water Drainage: Benson will get Vandersick in to open up water way on east side of town, Motion by; Karpen, for $500.00 cap for water way and removal of cement, Second by; Benson.
Berg will work on updating Sherman Annual Calendar.
Motion by; to adjourn, Karpen second by Ellis, The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, September 2, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. Robin Berg Town Clerk