April 1, 2014
The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall with Lee Ellis presiding.
Members present: Lee Ellis, Gerry Karpen, Bill Benson, Cheryl Swenson and Robin Berg
Others present: Kara Duncan, Keith Gunderson, Toby Brown, Kenneth and Linda Askren
ROUTINE BUSINESS: Minutes of the March 4, 2014, meeting were approved as read, Motion by; Karpen, second by; Benson.
The treasurer’s report was approved as read. Motion by; Karpen, second by; Benson.
CLAIMS APPROVED TO BE PAID: Xcel Energy, street light $260.47; park light $18.33; town hall light $53.12; Minnehaha Community Water, March. water $25.00; Palisades Propane, propane $536.50; Anderson Publications, Feb. Min $12.81, 2x board of adjustments, $9.00; Eldon Semmen, rock hauling, $205.00, snow removal, 183.60; SECOG, 2014 dues, $191.00; Brandon Ace Hardware, bolts and chain for plow $19.63;
OLD BUSINESS: Open meeting for the 2014 Revised Sherman Zoning Regulations. Sunday April 27, 2014 at Sherman Town Hall at 7:00 P.M. To get a copy please call Town Clerk.
South Dakota checks and Sherman Town mail, Karpen has put in a change of address to the State for all mail to go to Sherman mail box. Karpen will get the mail.
Mowing Bids accepted, Bill Benson, water way $40.00; Robin Berg, Town Hall $30.00.
NEW BUSINESS: Sherman Clean up date has been set.
Motion by; Ellis to adjourn, second by Karpen, The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. Robin Berg Town Clerk www.ShermanSDak.com