April 5, 2013


The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday April 5, 2013, 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall with Lee Ellis presiding.  

Members present:  Lee Ellis Kara Duncan, Bill Benson, Cheryl Swenson and Robin Berg

Others present: LeRon Smit, Gerry and Ellen Karpen.


ROUTINE BUSINESS: Minutes of the March 5, 2013, meeting were approved as read, Motion by; Benson, second by; Ellis.  

The treasurer’s report was approved as read. Motion by; Duncan, second by; Benson. 


CLAIMS APPROVED TO BE PAID: Xcel Energy, street light $272.41; park light $18.93; town hall light $38.12; Minnehaha Community Water, March water $25.00; Anderson Publications, Feb. Min. $19.67; Palisades Propane, propane $446.87; Cheryl Swenson, tote, binders and tp paper $23.62; Post Master, stamps $ 46.00;



1.     125th Celebration, August 25, 2013.

2.     Minutes for 2002-2003 Duncan will look for them.

3.     Railroad Ave. and Packard Ave. drain tile, needs to be put in the ground more and get rock on it. Motion by; Ellis second by; Duncan

4.     Mowing Bids; Lucas Swenson, Strom Park $30.00 each mowing, Motion by; Ellis, second by; Duncan, North Park was giving to Neil Winterton, $25.00 each mowing, Motion by; Duncan, second by; Ellis, Robin Berg, Town Hall $30.00 each mowing, Motion by; Ellis, second by; Benson, Water Way, was giving to Cathy Benson, $ 40.00 each mowing, Motion by; Ellis, second by; Duncan.



1.      Sherman Clean up date has been set; Swenson and Ellis will get flyers out.

2.      Drain at the Bullet will be fixed this summer.


Motion by; Duncan to adjourn, second by Benson; The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, May 7, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.    

Robin Berg Town Clerk