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November 1, 2011

The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, November 1, 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall with President Lee Ellis presiding.
Members present: Kara Duncan, Bill Benson, Cheryl Swenson, and Danessa Keener.
Others present: Robin Berg, Kenneth Askren, Linda Askren, Kevin Swenson, Larry Sutton, Gerry and Linda Karpen.

The Agenda was approved; motion by Duncan, second by Benson
Minutes of the October 4, 2011 meeting were read and approved; motion by Duncan, second by Benson.
The treasurer’s report was read and approved, motion by Duncan, second by Benson.


Lankota, 496.50 for three culverts; Minnehaha Community Water, 25.00 for water; Menards, 277.71 for 3 culverts & connectors; Xcel Energy, 239.13 for lights; SDML, 561.00 for renewal; Schumeman Equipment, 43.07 for parts; Vandersnick Excavating, 137.75 for installing culverts.



1.      Continued Variance: Lot 1 Block 7; 415 2nd St, Ellis made a motion to approve, Second by Benson.

2.      Budget was presented and approved.  All said “I.”  Final reading of the Budget will be at the December 6, 2011 meeting. 

3.      Snow removal from the front of city hall: One offer was presented by Callie and Cheryl Swenson.  It was decided that the town council would clear the front of the town hall at no cost but if extra help would be needed Callie and Cheryl Swenson would be contacted.

4.      The culvert project was discussed.  Motion was made to purchase the rock to fill in around culverts; motion by Ellis, second by Duncan.



1.      No hearing date needed to be set for Bullet Alcoholic Beverage license, passed to next month.

2.      Date was set for conditional use hearing: December 6, 2011; 8:00 pm

Motion by Duncan to adjourn, Second by Benson

Next regular meeting will be December 6, 2011

Danessa Keener, Town Clerk