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February 2nd, 2010



            The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Thursday February

2nd, 2010, 7:30 P.M. at the Sherman Town Hall with President Gerry Karpen


            Members present were: Gerry Karpen, Bill Benson, Robin Berg and

Cheryl Swenson.

            Others present: Ellen Karpen


            Routine Business:


            The agenda was read and approved, motion by Benson, 2nd by Berg.

            Minutes of the January 5, 2010 meeting were read and approved

with the correction of Town Clerk and Treasurer's yearly salary were

$500.00. Motion by Berg to approve, 2nd by Benson.

            The Treasurer's report was read and approved, motion by Berg,

2nd by Benson.


            Claims approved to be paid:

            Anderson Publications $14.43 December minutes; Jesse James

$30.95  12.3 gals. Gas, $151.41  28.7 gals. diesel;  Schuman Equipment

$65.15, parts for sickle mower; Xcel Energy $285.46 town lights; Kevin

Swenson $90.00, 10 hrs. snowplow; Minnehaha Community Water $25.00, January

water; Brian Berg $40.50, 4.5 hrs. snow removal.


            Old Business:


            The Bullet has received their 2010 liquor license.


            Open floor for Old Business: None.


            New Business:


            Check on cost of insurance for the fire/tornado siren. Unit is

presently uninsured according to the agent.

            Check on cost of insuring the playground equipment which is

presently uninsured.

            Check on savings if insurance deductible was raised, currently

set at $250.00

            Set date and time for Board of Equalization meeting: Tuesday,

March 16th, 2010 at 7:30 PM.


            Open floor for new business: None.


            Motion to adjourn by Berg, 2nd by Benson. Next meeting March 2,

2010 at 7:30 PM.


            Cheryl Swenson, Clerk






Sherman Town Council


Sherman, SD


Notice of Meeting of Local Equalization Board


SDCL 10-11-13


        Notice is hereby given that the governing body, sitting as a review

Board of Equalization for Sherman, Minnehaha County, South Dakota, will meet

at the Sherman Town Hall in said taxing jurisdiction on Tuesday, the 16th

day of March, 2010, 7:30 PM, for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the

assessment of said taxing district for the year 2010.


        All persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment are

required to notify the Town Clerk of the local board no later than March 9,

2010, of their intention to appeal their assessment.


        Town of Sherman

        Cheryl Swenson


        Acting Town Clerk