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August 3, 2010

The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday Aug 3, 2010 @ 7:30pm at
the Sherman Town Hall with President Kara Duncan presiding.

Members present: Kara Duncan, Bill Benson, Robin Berg, and Cheryl Swenson.
Otherws present: Kevin Swenson, Gerry Karpen, Ellen Karpen, Virgil Inglett, and Toby from SECOG

Routine Business:

The agenda was read and approved, motion by Berg, 2nd by Benson
Minutes of the July 13, 2010 were read and approved, motion by Berg, 2nd by Benson
Treasures report was read and approved, motion by Berg, 2nd by Benson

Claims approved to be paid:
Boltes Sunrise Sanitary Service 803.25 for 3 dumpsters, Xcel Energy 234.93 lites, Minnehaha
Community Water 28.00 July water, Anderson Publications 21.12 July minutes, Vogt,Brown,Merry,
Hammer 137.00 attorney fee, Brian Berg 90.00 3x mowing,Virgil Inglett 140.00 4x mowing, Neil
Winterton 58.00 3x mowing.

Old Business:

1 Alley update: found out from attorney you can not legally restrict a platted alley to the public
unless you vacate that alley.--Berg made a motion to leave alley as is, 2nd by Benson
2 Still looking for town clerk
3 Insurance: stay with what we have
4 Revenue and Expenditure: Change revenue for property tax, other expenses, and recreation.
5 Sherman web page: Gerry Karpen will update it
6 Update on survey: sent in

Open floor to old business: none

New Business:

1Trees adjacent to City lot to the South: owner wants to cutr them down--motion by Berg to cut
them down, 2nd by Benson.
2 Mower blades: motion by Berg to buy new blades, 2nd by Benson.
3.Toby from SECOG : will come back again in Oct.
4 Dump truck will not work in alley-- talked about other alternitives to fill in ruts

Open floor to New Business: none

Motion to adjorn by Berg, 2nd by Benson

Next meeting will be Tues Sept. 7, 2010 @ 7:30pm

Acting Town Clerk
Cheryl Swenson