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August 7, 2007

The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, August 7, 2007, 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall with President Robin Berg presiding.  

      Members present:  Robin Berg, Sandee Sutton, Gerry Karpen, Cheryl Swenson and Ann Thiel.

      Others present:  Ellen Karpen, Neil Winterton, Toby Brown.


The Agenda was approved with the addition of the Sherman Fire Department to New Business.

Minutes of the July 3, 2007, meeting were approved with the following correction:  Claim paid to Sanders Printing was $10.30.  Minutes of the July 17, 2007, special session were approved as read.

The treasurer’s report was read and approved.


Minnehaha Community Water Corp, water, $22.50; Argus Leader Media, July meeting minutes, special session minutes, resolution and notice, $78.33; Xcel Energy, electricity, $210.09; Menard’s, park supplies, $164.94; Menard’s, concrete for park, $40.50; Virgil Inglett, 2 times mowing, $60.00; Lowe Sand & Gravel, hauling sand for park, $160.00; Garretson Hardware, 2 quarts paint and brush, $22.24; Vogt, Brown Merry & Hammer, 7.1 hours legal services, $712.00; Josh Eslinger, dirt removal, $20.00; Brian Berg, 3 times mowing, $75.00; Neil Winterton, 4 times mowing, $80.00; Sandee Sutton, 1 gallon roundup, $13.52; Ann Thiel, 3 file crates and mileage to SECOG, $14.46. 


1.       Playground equipment will be installed in September.  Berg will contact the Garretson FFA to see if they will be able to assist.  Concrete Materials in Sioux Falls donated sand for the park, and sand has been placed under the existing slide.  Thiel will send a thank you letter to the company.      

2.       The grant application for repair of Zeliff Ave has been submitted to the SD Department of Transportation.  Thiel will send a thank you letter to SECOG for their assistance. 

3.       Karpen and Winterton will talk to Rodney and Leo Lowe about specific drainage issues on Packard Ave.

4.       Thiel will order a Sherman sign for the southeast entrance, three “Zoned, Building Permits Required” signs, and two speed limit 20 signs. 

5.       Dean Hammer, city attorney, revised the Waiver of Liability for The Gathering.  Copies have been made available for event participants. 

6.       Toby Brown from SECOG reviewed pending items in the revised Municipal Ordinances.


7.       Winterton received a letter from the Minnehaha County Fire Chiefs Association requesting information regarding the current status of the Sherman Volunteer Fire Department.  Board members discussed that fact that the Town has been struggling with the reality of an understaffed fire department for a number of years, and unfortunately finds itself in the position a number of small communities have found themselves in, that it has to give very serious consideration to disbanding the volunteer fire department. Karpen will write a letter to the Minnehaha County Fire Chiefs Association, and Winterton will attend the Fire Chief’s meeting next week.

8.       Thiel presented the proposed budget for 2008.


9.       First reading of Ordinance 2007-1:  Municipal Ordinances.  Second reading will take place at the next regular session.

10.   The first reading of the 2008 Revenue and Expenditure Budget Ordinance will take place at the next regular session.

Motion by Sutton to adjourn, second by Karpen.

The next regular meeting will be September 11, 2007, at 7:30 p.m.


                                    Ann Thiel

Town Clerk


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