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June 5, 2007

The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, June 5, 2007, 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall with President Robin Berg presiding.  

      Members present:  Robin Berg, Sandee Sutton, Gerry Karpen, Cheryl Swenson and Ann Thiel.

      Others present:  Neil Winterton, Gerrie Inglett, Toby Brown.


The Agenda was approved.

Minutes of the May 1, 2007, meeting were approved as read. 

The treasurer’s report was read and approved.


Minnehaha Community Water Corp, water, $22.50; Argus Leader Media, May meeting minutes and public hearing notice, $54.03; Xcel Energy, electricity, $223.67; Bolte’s Sunrise Service, $199.50, dumpster; Virgil Inglett, mowing and weed spray, $203.11; Brian Berg, 5 times mowing, $125.00; Neil Winterton, 2 hours road grading and 6 times mowing, $138.00; Ann Thiel, printer ink, $25.00.  The following six-month salaries were paid:  Robin Berg, $160.00; Gerry Karpen, $135.00; Sandee Sutton, $150.00; Cheryl Swenson, $150.00; Ann Thiel, $240.00.


1.       Discussion regarding an outdoor bulletin board.  Motion by Karpen, second by Sutton, to delegate Neil Winterton to check on having one custom-built.  Winterton is authorized to spend up to $200.00. 

2.       Playground equipment will be moved to Strom Park next week.  Thiel will call Rodney Lowe regarding the excavation.

3.       Discussion regarding problems resulting from pumping water into the streets.  A solution needs to be found for drainage.  Thiel will talk to Lowe.

4.       The Gathering.  Tabled to next meeting.

5.       Toby Brown from SECOG reviewed the proposed animal ordinance.  Board members will meet on June 19 to finalize all ordinances.


6.       Berg stated that people from Garretson were dumping bags of grass in the brush pile.  She suggested that a sign be installed to indicate that the pile is for Sherman Residents only, and only trees and brush are accepted.

7.       Sherman needs street signs for:  20 MPH, No Trucks, Children at Play, Handicap Parking, and Building Permits Required.  Thiel will contact the county to see if they have signs available.

8.       Thiel will send a certified letter to Nathan Bergh instructing him to replace the City sign post that he removed.

9.       Motion by Karpen, second by Berg, to approve $9.95 for registration of the domain.  Alliance Communications will host the Sherman web site at no charge.  The web site will be moved to within the next month.

10.   Thiel suggested that the City install a phone line in Town Hall.  Board members felt it was not necessary at this time.

11.   Thiel stated that the copy/fax machine she had been using was no longer working.  Sutton said she would be able to fax items as needed.  Berg will check on getting a cartridge for an old copy machine she has.

12.   SECOG will complete a grant application at no charge and submit it to the South Dakota Department of Transportation Community Access Program.  The grant would fund up to 60% of the cost of reconstruction of primary access roads in Sherman .  Thiel will contact the County Highway Superintendent and Rodney Lowe for estimates.


      Motion by Karpen, second by Sutton, to approve the malt beverage license for The Bullet.

Motion by Karpen to adjourn, second by Sutton.

The next regular meeting will be July 3, 2007, at 7:30 p.m.


                                    Ann Thiel

Town Clerk


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