April 7, 2020

The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday April 7, 2020 @ 7:30pm.

Members Present: Lee Ellis, Darrin Trower, and Cheryl Swenson. Gerry Karpen by phone.

Ellis, called the meeting to order.

Routine Business:

Approval of the agenda- motion by Karpen to approval the agenda, 2nd by Trower—all ayes, motion carried.

Minutes of the March 3,2020 meeting were read—Karpen made a motion to approve the minutes as read, 2nd by Trower—all ayes, motion carried.

The Treasurers report was read—Karpen made a motion to approve the Treasurers report as read, 2nd by Trower—all ayes, motion carried

Claims Approved to be paid:

Minnehaha Community Water $30.00 water, Garretson Gazette $16.43 Feb minutes $9.13 board of equalization, $22.31 March minutes, $164.80 Annual Report, $20.69 equalization minutes, Palisades Propane $232.09 propane, Xcel Energy $279.83 street lights, $28.32 park lights, $53.41 town hall lights.

Old Business:

1.       Mowing bids- tabled until next month


New Business:

1.       Town clean-up days—tabled until next month

2.       Social Distancing—Sherman Ordinance #2020-01 was read and discussed. Karpen made a motion to accept the Social Distancing Ordinance #2020-01 effective on 4-07-2020, 2nd by Trower—all ayes, motion carried. Ordinance will be put on the Sherman website.


Karpen made a motion to adjourn meeting, 2nd by Trower—all ayes, motion carried.

The next regular meeting will be May 5, 2020 @ 7:30pm

Cheryl Swenson Town Clerk