December 12, 2017

The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, December 12, 2017. 

Members present: Lee Ellis, Gerry Karpen, Bill Benson, Cheryl Swenson and Robin Berg.

Others present: Kara Duncan.  

Ellis called the meeting to order.

Approval of the Agenda: Motion by; Ellis, second by; Benson. 

ROUTINE BUSINESS: Minutes of the November 7, 2017 meeting was approved as read, Motion by; Karpen, second by; Benson.

The treasurer’s report was approved as read, Motion by; Karpen, second by; Benson.   

CLAIMS APPROVED TO BE PAID: Xcel Energy, street light, $264.42, park light $18.89, town hall lights $36.29; Minnehaha Community Water, Nov. water $30.00; Garretson Gazette, Oct. Min. $20.08, Nov. Min. $20.69, SDML, insurance 2018 dues $83.20; VanDyke Sanitation, parks garbage $50.00; John’s Repair, grader work $1,898.17; Vogt Brown Merry & Hammer, legal fees $790.10; JSR LLC, power to Strom Park $985.81; Gerry Karpen, zoning salary $100.00, 6  meetings $150.00, 1 special meeting $25.00; Lee Ellis, 6 meetings $180.00, 1 special meeting $30.00; Bill Benson, 6 meetings $150.00, 1 special meeting $25.00;Cherly Swenson, salary $250.00; Robin Berg, salary $250.00 Christmas party supplies $45.93;

OLD BUSINESS:  110 Zeliff. Ave. Karpen updated the council on the status of the crumbling structure. The ownership of the property has been generously deeded to the Town by the owners. As a result, plans for demolition can begin along with the rehabilitation of remaining vacant lot.


Following a discussion on costs and expenses, Karpen made a motion to allocate $10,000 for the demolition of the structure, to include hauling away of excessive debris, second by; Benson. With a vote of 3 yes motion carried.


Karpen also stated that it looked like complete rehabilitation of the property can be accomplished for $15,000 with the proceeds from the sale of the lot to partially offset the rehabilitation expense.


Karpen made a motion, to approve Bullets Alcoholic Beverage License, Second by; Benson. With a vote of 3 yes motion carried.

Animal control, Tabled.

Sherman Christmas Party Dec. 30th, at the Town Hall from 1p.m. to 4p.m.

NEW BUSINESS:  A first reading was held to amend the 2018 budget to allocate funds for the rehabilitation project. A 2nd reading of the amended budget ordinance will be held at the next regular meeting on January 2nd, 2018.


Motion by; Karpen to adjourn, second by Benson, 

The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, January  2, 2018 @7:30 p.m. 

Robin Berg Town Clerk