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October 4th, 2011

The Sherman Town board met in regular session Tuesday, October 4, 2011, 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall with President Lee Ellis presiding.

Members present: Kara Duncan, Bill Benson, Cheryl Swenson, and Danessa Keener.

Others present: Robin Berg, Gerry & Ellen Karpen, Larry Sutton, Neil Winterton, Kenneth & Linda Askren and Margaret Pritchard.



The Agenda was approved; motion by Duncan, second Benson

Minutes of the September 6, 2011 meeting were read with the correction made for the misspelling of Bill Koch name.  Minutes approved, motion by Duncan, second by Benson.

The treasurer’s report was read and approved; motion by Duncan, second by Benson.



Jesse James, 64.79 for 17.5 gallons of gas; Minnehaha Community Water, 25.00 for September water; Xcel Energy, 237.65 for lights; Anderson Publications, 17.58 for August minutes, 9.83 for special meeting, 25.03 for September minutes; Brian Berg, 30.00 for 1x mowing; Neil Winterton, 25.00 for 1x mowing; Lucas Swenson, 60.00 for 2x mowing; Bill Koch, 115.80 for 30 gallons of diesel.



1.  Culvert project was discussed at length and was decided to use straight tile instead of the original choice of perforated tile, motion by Ellis, second by Benson.  A motion was also made to purchase 3 additional culverts, motion by Ellis, second by Benson.  It was decided to use rock to fill around the culverts, motion was made for 5 truck loads to be brought in at $225 a truck load; motion by Ellis, second by Benson.

2.  Budget was presented with several discrepancies and has to be amended; was passed to next month to present the amended budget.



1.  Continued variance: Lot 1, Block 7; 415 2nd  St – will be presented again when more information is gathered.

2.  Repairs to road grader was tabled for next meeting.

3.  If anyone is interested in removing snow in front of the town hall, it pays $9.00/hr; please email the

3.  Kenneth Askren purchased a 6 inch culvert from the town of Sherman for 125.00.


Motion by Duncan to adjourn, second by Benson.


Next regular meeting will be November 1, 2011

Danessa Keener

Town Clerk