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April 8, 2008

The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, April 8, 2008, 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall with President Robin Berg presiding. 

Members present:  Robin Berg, Gerry Karpen, Sandee Sutton, Cheryl Swenson and Ann Thiel.

Others present:  Toby Brown and Ellen Karpen.


The Agenda was approved with removal of item 5, income tax withholding.

Minutes of the March 4, 2008, meeting were approved as read.

The treasurer’s report was read and approved.


Minnehaha Community Water Corp., water, $25.00; Argus Leader Media, equalization notice, March meeting minutes and annual report, $163.24; Xcel Energy, electricity, $230.96; Brian Berg, 1 hour snow removal, $9.00; Larry Sutton, copies, $1.02.


1.       Brown reviewed the revised Duty to Cut Weeds and Obnoxious Vegetation ordinance, and the revised Open Burning ordinance.  First reading of both ordinances will be at the next meeting. 

2.       Karpen will be contacting someone regarding the maintenance superintendent position.  Berg will check with the Garretson FFA regarding sign installation and park equipment repair.

3.       Motion by Karpen, second by Sutton, to accept three mowing bids, one each for the two parks and the town hall property.

4.       First Responders Program tabled to next meeting.


5.       A date was set for the town clean-up day.

6.       Karpen will contact Joe Vandersnick to replace the culverts and the intersection of Zeliff Ave and 1st Street .

7.       Karpen will find someone to grade the streets, and will start looking for a used road grader.


Motion by Sutton to adjourn, second by Karpen.

The next regular meeting will be May 6, 2008, 7:30 p.m.   


                                    Ann Thiel

Town Clerk


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