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May 2, 2006

The Sherman Town Board met in regular session Tuesday, May 2, 2006, 7:30 p.m. at the Sherman Town Hall with President Robin Berg presiding.  

      Members present:  Robin Berg, Bill Benson, Gerry Karpen, Cheryl Swenson and Ann Thiel.

      Others present:  Sandee Sutton, John Eslinger, Dwana Eslinger and Virgil Inglett.

      Minutes of the April 4, 2005, meeting were read and approved.

      The treasurer’s report was read and approved.


Minnehaha Community Water Corp, water, $22.50; Prairie Publications, March meeting minutes, $33.29; Xcel Energy, electricity, $192.71 and $18.89; Brian Berg, 2 times mowing city lot, $50.00; Virgil Inglett, mowing and park clean up, $60.00; Rodman Welding, welding park slide, $88.96; Neil Winterton, oil, $39.72.


1.       Safety Benefits.  The slide has been repaired.  Pea gravel still needs to be placed under the swings. 

2.       Road repairs.  Culverts need to be cleaned and repaired.

3.       Ambulance District.  Garretson hired a paramedic and an EMT to work days.

4.       Clean up day.  Sherman clean up day will be Saturday, May 6.  Karpen will call Waste Management to have the dumpster delivered.  A second dumpster will be brought in when the first one is picked up.  The second one will be placed on a “will call” basis for residents cleaning out water damaged basements.

5.       Building permit.  Dean Hammer, attorney, returned Dean Wilson’s building permit application for Lot 1, Block 7, with a letter explaining it was being returned because Wilson is not the record owner of the property, and he has not indicated the age of the mobile home he intends to move onto the property.  Hammer further stated that the Zoning Administrator and Board of Adjustment will likely recommend denial of an application for conditional use of a mobile home due to the small lot size.


1.       Trustee.  Sandee Sutton was sworn in as Trustee for a three-year term on the Board.

2.       Board President.  Motion by Sutton, second by Karpen, to appoint Berg as President of the Town Board.  

3.       Board of Adjustment.  Motion by Karpen, second by Benson, to confirm that the Board of Trustees is the Board of Adjustment for the Town of Sherman.

4.       Park Grants.  Karpen has found a grant opportunity for playground equipment.  The Park Committee will prepare a “wish list”.

5.       Beer bottles.  Discarded and broken beer bottles are a problem in and around Strom Park.  Berg will talk to the owner of The Bullet regarding keeping this cleaned up.

6.       Malt Beverage license.  A special hearing will be held on June 6, 2006, 8:00 p.m., for the purpose of approving or disapproving an application for renewal of the malt beverage license for The Bullet.


      The park committee met on May 1, 2006.  Berg thanked Inglett for repairing the merry-go-round in Strom Park.  D. Eslinger will visit a playground store in Des Moines that sells discounted playground equipment.  Strom Park clean-up and painting day will be Saturday, May 27, commencing at 2:30 p.m.  Volunteers are needed for tree trimming and painting.

      The park committee will host a food stand at the Tour de Kota in Garretson on June 13.

      Motion by Karpen to adjourn, second by Benson.

      The next regular meeting will be June 6, 2006, at 7:30 p.m.

                                                                                                                        Ann Thiel

Town Clerk

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